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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

for my auntie.

so i've had this post written up since the 1st, but forgot to put it up - then i got the nicest email from my aunt asking for an update & i couldn't wait to get this post up! i really feel so great that my family loves to read this blog.

here is a recap of my favorite month ever - november! so much has happened this November - it needs to be listed. here we go...

1. i have another new job! & this one is the greatest yet! i am starting as a junior designer and sales associate for a local interior design firm - i feel like i am putting a literal foot through the door of this industry and i'm ecstatic
2. i also registered for some of the interior design courses that i didn't finish at Utah State. haven't decided whether to finish my degree in interior design or just create a grander portfolio yet
3. lady grew about 5 inches!
4. i only shopped for our groceries at Trader Joe's & i am obsessed with the place
5. i spent some quality time in Park City & met the most interesting people with the greatest stories.
6. i turned 24 - and i feel no different at all
7. Bryer and i celebrated our 4 year anniversary
8. we also celebrated the 1 year anniversary of living in our apartment
9. we bought a new set of sheets to celebrate all anniversaries of the month 
10. i made Bistro's famous chocolate croissant bread pudding for Thanksgiving. i need to use more croissants next time, but i am hoping this will be a promised thanksgiving dessert from now on
11. we decorated the apartment with Christmas lights and yarn pom poms for the holidays
12. we are obsessed with The Sopranos & i am shocked about how home sick these dirty mobsters make me 
13. i learned a lot about patience while working with kids under the age of 8
14. Bryer and his dad took apart the entire motor on my jeep & replaced the radiator - it took 6 hours
15. i missed my family so much during the month of November
16. & i missed my girlfriends more than ever
17. i've been trying to donate/recycle my closet & i'm feeling rather proud about my success in getting rid of things
18. Bryer is growing out his hair - yes!!
19. no snow in November & i'm praying for it
20. have you seen Interstellar yet? it's my favorite movie of all time - i didn't even expect to like it, but this film is so well done, we might go see it again in theaters.

also, don't you just swoon over those words up there. that phrase is... very exactly how i feel lately.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

before we get to thanksgiving.

let me give you some of our halloween! we had a party this year for halloween. i wish i had some more pics of how many people were crammed into our little apartment - but i think it was like 40! i also wish i had more pics of everyones costumes because there were some really great ones - see below for my favorite costume of the night. we decorated our tiny space with a million pumpkins and had a dance party on our coffee table. i was originally planning on being a ballerina, but i decided to throw on some skeleton makeup last minute. Bryer was one of the guys from the show workaholics. people were yelling out to him at every bar - blake blake! & a couple fans wanted to take a picture with him. it was actually a superbly on point costume - he looked exactly like him. i really enjoy that skeleton makeup and wore it for the rest of the weekend. i might even wear it this weekend.

1. lady was a bit overwhelmed with everyone - but she got a lot of loving also. isn't she the cutest?
2. fav costume! Colonel Sanders - i can not get over how much our friend Forest looked like him
3. the best girls came down from school to hang & i was soo happy! PS. Nikki has tin foil on her face
4. Bryer as Blake from Workaholics - look it up
4. i always love a candid shot

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

lately, from my iPhone.

1. cuddle city on sunday
2. some of the best girls i know at homecoming
4. Brighton with my favorite man
5. 2 AM pizza 
6. a night out to the jackalope 
7. one little lady in our big leather chair

Monday, October 20, 2014

its monday & i need some muses.

1. pretty pretty & simple simple //
2. these should defiantly be in my kitchen //
3. neutrals with just a hint of red // Rachel Comey on
4. the woods are inside // pinterest
5. sleepy men // /

Saturday, October 18, 2014

this is what fall feels like.

fall is feeling like late nights reading great books in bed & lemon colored trees in the canyon. theres been more tea drinking around here and lots of fall tv shows cuddled up on the couch. there has been  pumpkin patch visits and pumpkin decorating is soon to come. there has been quality girlfriend time  & great phone calls with dear, old friends - its incredibly heartwarming to feel connected to so many powerful women. there has been reflection this fall. reflection on all the best parts of life, on relationships, on personal strength, on family influences, on mental stability & on respect. there has been great family visits - i've been truly lucky to spend the best months of the year in NJ and in UT. september in NJ is a dream on the shore and october in UT is utterly whimsical in the canyons. fall is feeling fresh & new, with promise of a bright future - but this season is also serving as a reminder to live in our current moments. hoping to share some more pics of this season as we go on - so keep an eye out! -- there are images of halloween parties, crafts for our little home & quality time with the people we love coming your way! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

so i think ill blog.

tonight, i am feeling gratitude. i am grateful for the support of my family and the encouragement they give to me. i am actually feeling gratitude for mistakes tonight - with out them, i wouldn't know exactly what i don't want in life. 

i'm so grateful to be cut from the same cloth of those two folks up there & yes, they did paddle across the entire bay with a cooler and a 30 rack on the front of their kayaks to make it to party island for labor day. have you done anything that cool? dad will be here for a visit tomorrow, can't wait to see that guy. 

also, we're all on the up. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

recently, according to the iPhone // who am i kidding, all pics up in here are from my iPhone

i'm not sure why i get soooo self conscious about putting pieces of my life up on here. i love to share my experiences with family and friends that i don't get to see on a regular basis & i especially love documenting all the good things about this life of mine - so who knows why i avoid posting sometimes??!! i am especially sorry for taking such a long time to get some pics and tid bits of recent things up here for you, because there is lots to tell you all about. 

1. lady pictures, always. 
2 & 3. Colbie Marie used my old ID the entire summer to get into the bars here. the kicker - she would use my old ID just 5 minutes before i walked in using my new one. buncha suckers!
4. i mostly take lady pictures when i am really supposed to be cleaning the house or something. 
5. i've picked up golfing and make it to the range with Bryer about 3 times a week! he's like... really good at golfing & i like to watch him just a little bit more than i like to swing the clubs myself. 
6. lady did yoga with me this morning. 
7-10. i spent 5 days in Seattle last weekend with the goal of using my nice camera to take some rad pics of Kenna's life & then i left with only 4 lousy iPhone pics. Seattle rocks btw - we hiked, shopped & ate our way through that city. the last pic is from an awesome boutique MOOREA SEAL.