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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

recently, according to the iPhone // who am i kidding, all pics up in here are from my iPhone

i'm not sure why i get soooo self conscious about putting pieces of my life up on here. i love to share my experiences with family and friends that i don't get to see on a regular basis & i especially love documenting all the good things about this life of mine - so who knows why i avoid posting sometimes??!! i am especially sorry for taking such a long time to get some pics and tid bits of recent things up here for you, because there is lots to tell you all about. 

1. lady pictures, always. 
2 & 3. Colbie Marie used my old ID the entire summer to get into the bars here. the kicker - she would use my old ID just 5 minutes before i walked in using my new one. buncha suckers!
4. i mostly take lady pictures when i am really supposed to be cleaning the house or something. 
5. i've picked up golfing and make it to the range with Bryer about 3 times a week! he's like... really good at golfing & i like to watch him just a little bit more than i like to swing the clubs myself. 
6. lady did yoga with me this morning. 
7-10. i spent 5 days in Seattle last weekend with the goal of using my nice camera to take some rad pics of Kenna's life & then i left with only 4 lousy iPhone pics. Seattle rocks btw - we hiked, shopped & ate our way through that city. the last pic is from an awesome boutique MOOREA SEAL. 


  1. Funny I was just thinking it has been too long since you posted. Thanks for the peak into your awesome life. I love the golf picture and the flowers.
