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Thursday, May 15, 2014

a great ending to a bad day & our summer bucket list.

it wasn't the best day today (understatement) - but it had a great ending. 

there wasn't anything particularly rough about today, the entire day just seemed hard in general. so after dinner i needed some sweets. i grabbed some macaroons from the bakery across the street & bryer suggested we go out to tailgate. we grabbed a couple beers from our fridge & headed out to sit in the bed of the truck behind the apartment. its just a parking lot surrounded by brick walls, but we got outside at my favorite part of the day - the 40 minutes after the sun first goes down. i like it because the whole world turns a dim blue/gray & the breeze picks up to a kind pace.. & its usually the perfect temperature as it gets warm out.  

so a great ending to a bad day, with the perfect temperature & that pretty - dim blue/gray light reminded me that it's important to have things to look forward to. i bet i would've had a better time with today's lack of joy if i knew i'd have beers, french macaroons & our tailgate to look forward to. enter a summer bucket list.

this will be my first summer off of the shore & the first summer i'll be working a 9 to 5 - so my summer goals/bucket are a bit different than usual. here is what we are looking forward to over the next few months

i want to start weaving - tapestries.
bryer is taking lessons from a golf pro - he's planning on getting very good
we joined a sand volleyball league - i want to win every game
minor league baseball games
a trip to the south of the state to finally see the red rocks
we are going to hit up all the outdoor seating at the restaurants in the city
so many hikes
a puppy.. 
i want to plan a big trip for the fall - hopefully europe
i plan on keeping every one of my house plants alive this summer - this will be the hardest thing to accomplish

i'm usually really great at checking off my summer lists - i'm looking forward to working on this one. 

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